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Hadyn Ellis建筑赢得RICS奖

Cardiff University’s Research Centre Praised for Innovation. Hadyn Ellis Building, 由AG平台设计, has won the ‘Design through Innovation’ category.



Cardiff University’s Hadyn Ellis Building, 由AG平台设计, has won the ‘Design through Innovation’ category in the RICS Awards 2015, 威尔士.

The Hadyn Ellis Building is a £22 million new build facility and is the home to the institution’s world leading University Research Institutes: the European Cancer Stem Cell and Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institutes as well as the established Medical Research Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics.

对计划的评论, the judges said: “This project was conceived as a building where ground breaking research into a diverse number of medical problems, including stem cell cancer research and Alzheimer’s disease, 可以在一个包容性的, 多学科的环境.

一个中庭, 具有卓越的声学性能, provides a welcoming space between open plan offices and research laboratories, and a solution to natural ventilation in an energy hungry environment. The building provides a public face for the university to engage with funders, 公众及外部机构.”

保罗出色的, Estates Division Assistant Director at Cardiff University added: “This award is the result of a tremendous effort made by the design and construction team who designed and created this building. The collaborative working atmosphere engendered throughout the project was key to its success.”

The award was present at the City Hall in Cardiff. 作为地区赢家, the Hadyn Ellis scheme will now be put forward for the National RICS Awards in London later in the year.

The IBI team that helped design and deliver this project include: Anthony Picton and Richard Golledge.

