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M. Gaston Salinas Carpio

Associate | Manager, Intelligent 系统墨西哥城,墨西哥请访问“Best ideas comes when you're outside your comfortable zone. Always change so you never get comfortable! ”
M的大头照. Gaston Salinas Carpio

M. Gaston Salinas Carpio has over ten years of experience working in the electronic/automatic vehicle identification field. He is responsible for the design of technological solutions that meet the demand of the market for Electronic Vehicle Registration, 它的, 手册 收费 and Electronic 收费 systems.

Gaston has extensive experience in the design, 成本估算, 集成, 安装, supervision and implementation of these projects as well as defining and adjusting system architecture requirements from field devices up to Back Office 系统. His technical understanding, coupled with his appreciation for the needs of clients allows him to develop custom-fit solutions.
